Naber's Taxidermy is an approved establishment for foreign Imports by the USDA.
Please use the following shipping instructions:
Ship to
Coppersmith Global Logistics
760 Bonnie Lane
Elk Grove, IL 60007
Phone: (847) 437-1500
Fax: (847) 437-1501
Final Destination
Naber’s Taxidermy Inc
34-76th st sw
Grand Rapids,Mi 49548
Phone (616) 455-2880
We would suggest that you contact Coppersmith Global Logisticts before your trip, and also when you return so arrangements can be made for shipment to our studio. We have waterproof tags available for both foreign and US shipments.
- Be sure hide is properly prepared. Wrap up the salted hide in a burlap sack and pack in box.
- Frozen skins or birds may be shipped on Monday using next day UPS or Fed Ex. Frozen items must be in cooler. Please call when shipping frozen items.
- Please enclose the following.
- Name
- Address
- Telephone #
- Hunting License and or permit #
- Fax #
- E-mail address
- List of items being shipped
- All items must fully comply with state and Federal Game laws
- Coppersmith Global Logistics website: